Step 1
First, login to your ZFinances Trader’s Room account. Then, click Start Now button to access the ZFinances Exchange homepage once you’ve activated your exchange account.
**If you haven’t activated your account yet, you may click here to see how.**
Step 2
Head to the top right corner of the ZFinances Exchange homepage and click on the Log In button.
Step 3
To login, use the same email you’ve registered. You may also obtain the email verification code from the email you’ve used to register.
Step 4
Then, click on the Account Settings when you hover to Profile at the top right corner of the ZFinances Exchange homepage.
Step 5
Click Change at the Password widget.
Step 6
Fill in all the empty fields and proceed to click Change. You’re done!
**You may obtain your Google authentication code from your Google Authenticator app in your mobile.*
Step 1
First, login to your ZFinances Trader’s Room account. Then, click Start Now button to access the ZFinances Exchange homepage once you’ve activated your exchange account.
**If you haven’t activated your account yet, you may click here to see how.**
Step 2
Head to the top right corner of the ZFinances Exchange homepage and click on the Log In button.
Step 3
To login, use the same email you’ve registered. You may also obtain the email verification code from the email you’ve used to register.
Step 4
Then, click on the Profile at the top right corner of the ZFinances Exchange homepage.
Step 5
Click Change at the Password widget.
Step 6
Fill in all the empty fields and proceed to click Change. You’re done!
**You may obtain your Google authentication code from your Google Authenticator app in your mobile.**